Word Weaver Tradition Bearer Educator



Cambridge Storytellers present: Shonaleigh tells The Diamond Girl

When her world is torn apart, Leah has to watch as her family is torn apart. Ben Yakov watches his son set out on a quest with only half a puzzle and a sack full of questions. The only thing that can save them is a firewolf, a snow tear, and a goathorn bee.

“Once you’ve heard your Jewish grandmother – who survived the Holocaust – tell a tale that can make you believe there’s still magic, there’s no going back.”

Shonaleigh Cumbers, one of the country’s leading storytellers with an international reputation, is a drut’syla, a storyteller in a Jewish tradition inherited from her late grandmother, Edith Marks who spent the war telling stories in the camps to save her life. This is a sneak preview of her new show. Drawn from her repertoire of over 3,000 stories, the show is never the same twice…

A witty, literate and engaging storyteller.
The South Bank


Source: Cambridge Storytellers
