‘Tobias, father of the diamond girl, has his own story. One night his fate is linked forever with that of a Fire Wolf. Over the weekend we will journey with Tobias through seven trials, seven, stories, seven soul-searing moments as he quests to redeem this soulless creature.‘
Tobias owes a debt to a Fire Wolf, a creature of darkness, once human, who has committed a series of such terrible deeds that their soul has become seared and they have been transformed to a fearsome creature of fire and darkness whose primal scream, when let out at full voice, has the power to kill everyone and everything in earshot. They are doomed to eternal damnation unless … and it’s a long shot. They sacrifice themselves for another in one selfless act, never knowing whether it will be enough to redeem them. At their death, they release a snow tear which contains seven seeds of redemption. Should the snow tears survive being eaten by an ogre – for snow tears, which quench unquenchable hunger, are an ogre’s favourite food – and are collected by a person who owes the fire wolf a debt and who agrees to try to undo the wrongs the fire wolf has committed, then a fire wolf has the chance to regain his soul. Tobias is such a man – to repay the debt he owes the fire wolf, he takes on the quest of trying to right the wrongs that brought the fire wolf into existence. Tobias and the Snow Tear is the story of his quest. As for whether he is successful or not, well, that would be telling … but what I can guarantee is that it’s touch and go … join Tobias on his journey and find out what happens for yourself.